The cost of failure in the military and commercial avionics industry is extremely high: replacing failed components can be very expensive and some failures can be catastrophic, leading to the ultimate price being paid – the loss of life. Therefore, the electronic systems and sub-assemblies used in these applications are required to meet exceptionally high-quality standards. The very diverse nature of equipment requiring testing in avionic systems has traditionally called for an equally complex range of test equipment required to measure signals ranging from DC to microwave. A major multinational avionics manufacturer recently engaged with Pickering to architect a core switching subsystem for a scalable avionics functional test system to be used across a variety of its platforms and projects. The development of such a flexible core test system is intended to reduce ongoing engineering costs and the time associated with test system development. Leveraging as much of the engineering effort invested in the new core switching system as possible offers time and cost savings on any future project requiring automated test. The company manufactures a diverse range of products and therefore requires a switching system that is capable of addressing an equally diverse range of signal levels and frequencies.
Delivering a Flexible Future Proof Avionics Test System
Leveraging as much of the engineering effort invested in the new core switching system as possible offers time and cost savings on any future project requiring automated test…
As the commercial PC industry drastically improves the available bus bandwidth by transitioning PCI to PCI Express, PXI has the ability to address even more applications by integrating PCI Express into the PXI standard. Both the PCI Industrial Manufacturers Group (PICMG) which governs CompactPCI, and the PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA) which governs PXI, have worked to ensure that the PCI Express technology can be integrated into these standards, while preserving compatibility with the large installed base of existing systems. With PXI Express, users benefit from significantly increased bandwidth, ensured backward compatibility, and additional timing and synchronization features; improving upon an already established platform.